Vol. 125, No. 1, 1986

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Eigenvalue bounds for the Dirac operator

John Lott

Vol. 125 (1986), No. 1, 117–126

A natural question in the study of geometric operators is that of how much information is needed to estimate the eigenvalues of an operator. For the square of the Dirac operator, such a question has at least peripheral physical import. When coupled to gauge fields, the lowest eigenvalue is related to chiral symmetry breaking. In the pure metric case, lower eigenvalue estimates may help to give a sharper estimate of the ADM mass of an asymptotically flat spacetime with black holes. We use three tools to estimate the eigenvalues of the square of the (purely metric) Dirac operator: the conformal covariance of the operator, a patching method and a heat kernel bound.

Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 58G25
Secondary: 81E20
Received: 19 May 1985
Published: 1 November 1986
John Lott
Departament of Mathematics
University of California, Berkeley
970 Evans Hall #3840
Berkeley CA 94720-3840
United States