Vol. 275, No. 2, 2015

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A pointwise a-priori estimate for the $\bar\partial$-Neumann problem on weakly pseudoconvex domains

R. Michael Range

Vol. 275 (2015), No. 2, 409–432

The main result is a pointwise a-priori estimate for the ̄-Neumann problem that holds on an arbitrary weakly pseudoconvex domain D. It is shown that for (0,q)-forms f in the domain of the adjoint ̄ of ̄, the pointwise growth of the derivatives of each coefficient of f with respect to zj ¯ and in complex tangential directions is carefully controlled by the sum of the suprema of f, ̄f, and ̄f over D. These estimates provide a pointwise analog of the classical basic estimate in the L2 theory that has been the starting point for all major work in this area involving L2 and Sobolev norm estimates for the complex Neumann and related operators.

a-priori estimates, $\bar\partial$ Neumann problem, integral representations, weakly pseudoconvex domains
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 32W05, 35N15
Secondary: 32A26, 32T27
Received: 7 April 2014
Accepted: 29 October 2014
Published: 15 May 2015
R. Michael Range
Department of Mathematics
State University of New York at Albany
1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12222
United States