Volume 1, issue 2 (2001)

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Concordance and 1–loop clovers

Stavros Garoufalidis and Jerome Levine

Algebraic & Geometric Topology 1 (2001) 687–697
1 J Conant, P Teichner, Grope cobordism of classical knots, Topology 43 (2004) 119 MR2030589
2 S Garoufalidis, M Goussarov, M Polyak, Calculus of clovers and finite type invariants of 3–manifolds, Geom. Topol. 5 (2001) 75 MR1812435
3 S Garoufalidis, L Rozansky, The loop expansion of the Kontsevich integral, the null-move and $S$–equivalence, Topology 43 (2004) 1183 MR2080000
4 S Garoufalidis, A Kricker, A rational noncommutative invariant of boundary links, Geom. Topol. 8 (2004) 115 MR2033481
5 M Goussarov, Finite type invariants and $n$–equivalence of 3–manifolds, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 329 (1999) 517 MR1715131
6 K Habiro, Claspers and finite type invariants of links, Geom. Topol. 4 (2000) 1 MR1735632
7 A Kricker, Covering spaces over claspered knots, arXiv:math.GT/9901029
8 J Levine, A characterization of knot polynomials, Topology 4 (1965) 135 MR0180964
9 J Levine, Homology cylinders: an enlargement of the mapping class group, Algebr. Geom. Topol. 1 (2001) 243 MR1823501
10 C Livingston, Examples in concordance, arXiv:math.GT/0101035
11 H Murakami, T Ohtsuki, Finite type invariants of knots via their Seifert matrices, Asian J. Math. 5 (2001) 379 MR1868640
12 S Naik, T Stanford, Double $\Delta$–moves and $S$–equivalence, arXiv:math.GT/9911005
13 D W Sumners, Invertible knot cobordisms, Comment. Math. Helv. 46 (1971) 240 MR0290351