Volume 2, issue 2 (2002)

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Floer homology of surgeries on two-bridge knots

Jacob Rasmussen

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1 G Burde, H Zieschang, Knots, de Gruyter Studies in Mathematics 5, Walter de Gruyter & Co. (1985) MR808776
2 A Floer, Witten's complex and infinite-dimensional Morse theory, J. Differential Geom. 30 (1989) 207 MR1001276
3 K Frøyshov, Lectures on Floer homology, Harvard (2001)
4 C T McMullen, The Alexander polynomial of a 3–manifold and the Thurston norm on cohomology, Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. $(4)$ 35 (2002) 153 MR1914929
5 K Murasugi, Knot theory and its applications, Birkhäuser (1996) MR1391727
6 P Ozsváth, Z Szabó, Holomorphic disks and topological invariants for closed three-manifolds, Ann. of Math. $(2)$ 159 (2004) 1027 MR2113019
7 P Ozsváth, Z Szabó, Holomorphic disks and three-manifold invariants: properties and applications, Ann. of Math. $(2)$ 159 (2004) 1159 MR2113020
8 P Ozsváth, Z Szabó, Absolutely graded Floer homologies and intersection forms for four-manifolds with boundary, Adv. Math. 173 (2003) 179 MR1957829
9 H Schubert, Knoten mit zwei Brücken, Math. Z. 65 (1956) 133 MR0082104