Volume 3, issue 2 (2003)

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On the domain of the assembly map in algebraic $K$–theory

Arthur C Bartels

Algebraic & Geometric Topology 3 (2003) 1037–1050
1 A Bartels, T Farrell, L Jones, H Reich, On the isomorphism conjecture in algebraic $K$–theory, Topology 43 (2004) 157 MR2030590
2 M Bökstedt, W C Hsiang, I Madsen, The cyclotomic trace and algebraic $K$–theory of spaces, Invent. Math. 111 (1993) 465 MR1202133
3 G E Bredon, Equivariant cohomology theories, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 34, Springer (1967) MR0214062
4 G Carlsson, On the algebraic $K$–theory of infinite product categories, $K$–Theory 9 (1995) 305 MR1351941
5 G Carlsson, E K Pedersen, Controlled algebra and the Novikov conjectures for $K$– and $L$–theory, Topology 34 (1995) 731 MR1341817
6 J F Davis, W Lück, Spaces over a category and assembly maps in isomorphism conjectures in $K$– and $L$–theory, $K$–Theory 15 (1998) 201 MR1659969
7 F T Farrell, L E Jones, Isomorphism conjectures in algebraic $K$–theory, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 6 (1993) 249 MR1179537
8 F T Farrell, L E Jones, The lower algebraic $K$–theory of virtually infinite cyclic groups, $K$–Theory 9 (1995) 13 MR1340838
9 F T Farrell, L E Jones, Rigidity for aspherical manifolds with $\pi_1{\subset}\mathrm{GL}_m(\mathbb{R})$, Asian J. Math. 2 (1998) 215 MR1639544
10 W Lück, Chern characters for proper equivariant homology theories and applications to $K$– and $L$–theory, J. Reine Angew. Math. 543 (2002) 193 MR1887884
11 E K Pedersen, C A Weibel, $K$–theory homology of spaces, from: "Algebraic topology (Arcata, CA, 1986)", Lecture Notes in Math. 1370, Springer (1989) 346 MR1000388
12 D Rosenthal, Splitting with continuous control in algebraic $K$–theory arXiv:math.AT/0309106