Volume 4, issue 2 (2004)

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A computation of the Kontsevich integral of torus knots

Julien Marche

Algebraic & Geometric Topology 4 (2004) 1155–1175
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8 J Marché, On Kontsevich integral of torus knots, Topology Appl. 143 (2004) 15 MR2080280
9 T Ohtsuki, A cabling formula for the 2–loop polynomial of knots, Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 40 (2004) 949 MR2074706
10 B Patureau-Mirand, Non-injectivity of the Hair map arXiv:math.GT/0202065
11 L Rozansky, Higher order terms in the Melvin–Morton expansion of the colored Jones polynomial, Comm. Math. Phys. 183 (1997) 291 MR1461960
12 L Rozansky, A rationality conjecture about Kontsevich integral of knots and its implications to the structure of the colored Jones polynomial, from: "Proceedings of the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences Workshop “Invariants of Three–Manifolds” (Calgary, AB, 1999)" (2003) 47 MR1953320
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