Volume 8, issue 1 (2008)

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On non fundamental group equivalent surfaces

Mina Teicher and Michael Friedman

Algebraic & Geometric Topology 8 (2008) 397–433

In this paper we present an example of two polarized K3 surfaces which are not Fundamental Group Equivalent (their fundamental groups of the complement of the branch curves are not isomorphic; denoted by FGE) but the fundamental groups of their related Galois covers are isomorphic. For each surface, we consider a generic projection to 2 and a degenerations of the surface into a union of planes – the “pillow" degeneration for the non-prime surface and the “magician" degeneration for the prime surface. We compute the Braid Monodromy Factorization (BMF) of the branch curve of each projected surface, using the related degenerations. By these factorizations, we compute the above fundamental groups. It is known that the two surfaces are not in the same component of the Hilbert scheme of linearly embedded K3 surfaces. Here we prove that furthermore they are not FGE equivalent, and thus they are not of the same Braid Monodromy Type (BMT) (which implies that they are not a projective deformation of each other).

fundamental group, generic projection, curves and singularities, branch curve
Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 14J28, 14H30
Secondary: 14H20, 57M12, 20F36, 14F35, 14Q05
Received: 1 August 2007
Revised: 27 December 2007
Accepted: 28 December 2007
Published: 12 May 2008
Mina Teicher
Department of Mathematics
Bar-Ilan University
52900 Ramat Gan
Michael Friedman
Department of Mathematics
Bar-Ilan University
52900 Ramat Gan