Volume 8, issue 4 (2008)

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On the isomorphism problem for generalized Baumslag–Solitar groups

Matt Clay and Max Forester

Algebraic & Geometric Topology 8 (2008) 2289–2322
1 H Bass, R Kulkarni, Uniform tree lattices, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 3 (1990) 843 MR1065928
2 M Clay, Deformation spaces of $G$–trees and automorphisms of Baumslag–Solitar groups, to appear in Groups Geom. Dyn.
3 M Clay, Deformation spaces of $G$–trees, PhD thesis, University of Utah (2006)
4 M Clay, M Forester, Whitehead moves for $G$–trees, to appear in Bull. London Math. Soc.
5 M Forester, Deformation and rigidity of simplicial group actions on trees, Geom. Topol. 6 (2002) 219 MR1914569
6 M Forester, On uniqueness of JSJ decompositions of finitely generated groups, Comment. Math. Helv. 78 (2003) 740 MR2016693
7 M Forester, Splittings of generalized Baumslag–Solitar groups, Geom. Dedicata 121 (2006) 43 MR2276234
8 N D Gilbert, J Howie, V Metaftsis, E Raptis, Tree actions of automorphism groups, J. Group Theory 3 (2000) 213 MR1753479
9 V Guirardel, G Levitt, Deformation spaces of trees, Groups Geom. Dyn. 1 (2007) 135 MR2319455
10 P H Kropholler, Baumslag–Solitar groups and some other groups of cohomological dimension two, Comment. Math. Helv. 65 (1990) 547 MR1078097
11 P H Kropholler, A note on centrality in $3$–manifold groups, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 107 (1990) 261 MR1027778
12 G Levitt, Characterizing rigid simplicial actions on trees, from: "Geometric methods in group theory", Contemp. Math. 372, Amer. Math. Soc. (2005) 27 MR2139674
13 G Levitt, On the automorphism group of generalized Baumslag–Solitar groups, Geom. Topol. 11 (2007) 473 MR2302496
14 G Levitt, Personal communication (2008)
15 M R Pettet, The automorphism group of a graph product of groups, Comm. Algebra 27 (1999) 4691 MR1709254
16 K Whyte, The large scale geometry of the higher Baumslag–Solitar groups, Geom. Funct. Anal. 11 (2001) 1327 MR1878322