Volume 11, issue 1 (2011)

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A note on cabling and $L$–space surgeries

Jennifer Hom

Algebraic & Geometric Topology 11 (2011) 219–223
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3 P S Ozsváth, Z Szabó, Knot Floer homology and rational surgeries arXiv:math/0504404v1
4 P Ozsváth, Z Szabó, Knot Floer homology and the four-ball genus, Geom. Topol. 7 (2003) 615 MR2026543
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6 P Ozsváth, Z Szabó, Holomorphic disks and knot invariants, Adv. Math. 186 (2004) 58 MR2065507
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9 P Ozsváth, Z Szabó, Knot Floer homology and integer surgeries, Algebr. Geom. Topol. 8 (2008) 101 MR2377279
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