Volume 11, issue 3 (2011)

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Knots which admit a surgery with simple knot Floer homology groups

Eaman Eftekhary

Algebraic & Geometric Topology 11 (2011) 1243–1256
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2 E Eftekhary, Floer homology and existence of incompressible tori in homology spheres arXiv:0807.2326
3 E Eftekhary, Floer homology and splicing knot complements arXiv:0802.2874
4 E Eftekhary, Knots inside homology spheres with simple knot Floer homology are trivial arXiv:1003.0737
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7 M Hedden, On Floer homology and the Berge conjecture on knots admitting lens space surgeries, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 363 (2011) 949 MR2728591
8 Y Ni, Link Floer homology detects the Thurston norm, Geom. Topol. 13 (2009) 2991 MR2546619
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12 P Ozsváth, Z Szabó, On knot Floer homology and lens space surgeries, Topology 44 (2005) 1281 MR2168576
13 P Ozsváth, Z Szabó, Knot Floer homology and integer surgeries, Algebr. Geom. Topol. 8 (2008) 101 MR2377279
14 J Rasmussen, Lens space surgeries and L–space homology spheres arXiv:0710.2531
15 J Rasmussen, Floer homology and knot complements, PhD thesis, Harvard University (2003) arXiv:math.GT/0306378