The work of Volker Puppe and Matthias Kreck exhibited some intriguing
connections between the algebraic topology of involutions on closed manifolds and
the combinatorics of self-dual binary codes. On the other hand, the work
of Michael Davis and Tadeusz Januszkiewicz brought forth a topological
analogue of smooth, real toric varieties, known as “small covers”, which are
closed smooth manifolds equipped with some actions of elementary abelian
whose orbit spaces are simple convex polytopes. Building on these works, we find
various new connections between all these topological and combinatorial
objects and obtain some new applications to the study of self-dual binary
codes, as well as colorability of polytopes. We first show that a small cover
over a simple
produces a self-dual code in the sense of Kreck and Puppe if and only if
is odd.
Then we show how to describe such a self-dual binary code in terms of the combinatorics
of .
Moreover, we can construct a family of binary codes
, for
, from an arbitrary
Then we give some necessary and sufficient conditions for
to be self-dual.
A spinoff of our study of such binary codes gives some new ways to judge whether a simple
–colorable in terms of the
associated binary codes
In addition, we prove that the minimum distance of the self-dual binary code obtained from
is always