Volume 18, issue 7 (2018)

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On periodic groups of homeomorphisms of the $2$–dimensional sphere

Jonathan Conejeros

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3 É Ghys, Groups acting on the circle, Enseign. Math. 47 (2001) 329 MR1876932
4 E S Golod, On nil-algebras and finitely approximable p–groups, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat. 28 (1964) 273 MR0161878
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6 N Guelman, I Liousse, Burnside problem for groups of homeomorphisms of compact surfaces, Bull. Braz. Math. Soc. 48 (2017) 389 MR3712338
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8 S V Ivanov, The free Burnside groups of sufficiently large exponents, Internat. J. Algebra Comput. 4 (1994) 1 MR1283947
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11 F Le Roux, L’ensemble de rotation autour d’un point fixe, 350, Soc. Math. France (2013) MR3112082
12 I G Lysënok, Infinite Burnside groups of even period, Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk Ser. Mat. 60 (1996) 3 MR1405529
13 A Navas, Groups of circle diffeomorphisms, Univ. Chicago Press (2011) MR2809110
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