Volume 18, issue 7 (2018)

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The Journal
About the Journal
Editorial Board
Submission Guidelines
Submission Page
Policies for Authors
Ethics Statement
ISSN 1472-2739 (online)
ISSN 1472-2747 (print)
Author Index
To Appear
Other MSP Journals
Poincaré duality complexes with highly connected universal cover

Beatrice Bleile, Imre Bokor and Jonathan A Hillman

Cubical rigidification, the cobar construction and the based loop space

Manuel Rivera and Mahmoud Zeinalian

Noncrossing partitions and Milnor fibers

Thomas Brady, Michael J Falk and Colum Watt

Knot Floer homology and Khovanov–Rozansky homology for singular links

Nathan Dowlin

Some extensions in the Adams spectral sequence and the $51$–stem

Guozhen Wang and Zhouli Xu

Dimension functions for spherical fibrations

Cihan Okay and Ergün Yalçin

Weighted sheaves and homology of Artin groups

Giovanni Paolini and Mario Salvetti

Equivariant complex bundles, fixed points and equivariant unitary bordism

Andrés Ángel, José Manuel Gómez and Bernardo Uribe

Detecting a subclass of torsion-generated groups

Emily Stark

Cohomology of symplectic groups and Meyer's signature theorem

Dave Benson, Caterina Campagnolo, Andrew Ranicki and Carmen Rovi

On periodic groups of homeomorphisms of the $2$–dimensional sphere

Jonathan Conejeros

Algebraic and topological properties of big mapping class groups

Priyam Patel and Nicholas G Vlamis

Equivariant cohomology Chern numbers determine equivariant unitary bordism for torus groups

Zhi Lü and Wei Wang

Spaces of orders of some one-relator groups

Juan Alonso and Joaquín Brum

On the asymptotic expansion of the quantum $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ invariant at $q = \exp(4\pi\sqrt{-1}/N)$ for closed hyperbolic $3$–manifolds obtained by integral surgery along the figure-eight knot

Tomotada Ohtsuki

Notes on open book decompositions for Engel structures

Vincent Colin, Francisco Presas and Thomas Vogel

Anick spaces and Kac–Moody groups

Stephen Theriault and Jie Wu

Logarithmic Hennings invariants for restricted quantum ${\mathfrak{sl}}(2)$

Anna Beliakova, Christian Blanchet and Nathan Geer

Nonarithmetic hyperbolic manifolds and trace rings

Olivier Mila

Publication of this issue is now complete.