We prove that if a right-angled Artin group
is abstractly
commensurable to a group splitting nontrivially as an amalgam or HNN extension over
, then
must itself split
nontrivially over
for some
. Consequently, if two
right-angled Artin groups
are commensurable
has no
for any
, then
neither does
so “smallest size of separating clique” is a commensurability invariant. We also discuss some
implications for issues of quasi-isometry. Using similar methods we also prove that for
the braid
is not abstractly commensurable to any group that splits nontrivially
over a “free group–free” subgroup, and the same holds for
for the loop
braid group
Our approach makes heavy use of the Bieri–Neumann–Strebel invariant.
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