Volume 20, issue 2 (2020)

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Topological properties of spaces admitting a coaxial homeomorphism

Ross Geoghegan, Craig Guilbault and Michael Mihalik

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3 R Geoghegan, C R Guilbault, Topological properties of spaces admitting free group actions, J. Topol. 5 (2012) 249 MR2928076
4 R Geoghegan, C Guilbault, M Mihalik, Non-cocompact group actions and π1–semistability at infinity, Canad. J. Math. (2019)
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7 C R Guilbault, M A Moran, C J Tirel, Boundaries of Baumslag–Solitar groups, Algebr. Geom. Topol. 19 (2019) 2077 MR3995025
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