Volume 21, issue 7 (2021)

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Volume 2, 2 issues

Volume 1, 2 issues

The Journal
About the Journal
Editorial Board
Submission Guidelines
Submission Page
Policies for Authors
Ethics Statement
ISSN 1472-2739 (online)
ISSN 1472-2747 (print)
Author Index
To Appear
Other MSP Journals
Intersection homology duality and pairings: singular, PL and sheaf-theoretic

Greg Friedman and James E McClure

A Bauer–Furuta-type refinement of Kronheimer and Mrowka's invariant for $4$–manifolds with contact boundary

Nobuo Iida


Chris Kottke and Richard Melrose

Discontinuous motions of limit sets

Mahan Mj and Ken’ichi Ohshika

Handlebody bundles and polytopes

Sebastian Hensel and Dawid Kielak

Turaev hyperbolicity of classical and virtual knots

Colin Adams, Or Eisenberg, Jonah Greenberg, Kabir Kapoor, Zhen Liang, Kate O’Connor, Natalia Pachecho-Tallaj and Yi Wang

On the equivariant $K$– and $KO$–homology of some special linear groups

Sam Hughes

Combinatorial $N_\infty$ operads

Jonathan Rubin

Branched covers bounding rational homology balls

Paolo Aceto, Jeffrey Meier, Allison N Miller, Maggie Miller, JungHwan Park and András I Stipsicz

Equivariant cohomological rigidity of certain $T$–manifolds

Soumen Sarkar and Jongbaek Song

Unstable modules with only the top $k$ Steenrod operations

Zhulin Li

Deletion and contraction in configuration spaces of graphs

Sanjana Agarwal, Maya Banks, Nir Gadish and Dane Miyata

Most big mapping class groups fail the Tits alternative

Daniel Allcock

The Hochschild complex of a finite tensor category

Christoph Schweigert and Lukas Woike

Publication of this issue is now complete.