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Smooth singular complexes and diffeological principal bundles

Hiroshi Kihara

Algebraic & Geometric Topology 24 (2024) 1913–1951

In previous papers, we used the standard simplices Δp (p 0) endowed with diffeologies having several “good” properties to introduce the singular complex S𝒟(X) of a diffeological space X. (Here, 𝒟 denotes the category of diffeological spaces.) On the other hand, Hector and Christensen–Wu used the standard simplices Δsub p (p 0) endowed with the subdiffeology of p+1 and the standard affine p–spaces 𝔸p (p 0) to introduce the singular complexes Ssub 𝒟(X) and Saff 𝒟(X), respectively, of a diffeological space X. We prove that S𝒟(X) is a fibrant approximation of both Ssub 𝒟(X) and Saff 𝒟(X). This result immediately implies that the homotopy groups of Ssub 𝒟(X) and Saff 𝒟(X) are isomorphic to the smooth homotopy groups of X, which enables us to give a positive answer to a conjecture of Christensen and Wu. Further, we characterize diffeological principal bundles (ie principal bundles in the sense of Iglesias-Zemmour) using the singular functor Saff 𝒟. By using these results, we extend the characteristic classes for 𝒟–numerable principal bundles to those for diffeological principal bundles.

smooth singular complex, diffeological principal bundle
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 58A40
Secondary: 18F15, 55U10
Received: 8 November 2021
Revised: 28 April 2023
Accepted: 11 May 2023
Published: 16 July 2024
Hiroshi Kihara
Center for Mathematical Sciences
University of Aizu

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