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The Journal
About the Journal
Editorial Board
Submission Guidelines
Submission Page
Policies for Authors
Ethics Statement
ISSN 1472-2739 (online)
ISSN 1472-2747 (print)
Author Index
To Appear
Other MSP Journals
Geography of bilinearized Legendrian contact homology

Frédéric Bourgeois and Damien Galant

The deformation spaces of geodesic triangulations of flat tori

Yanwen Luo, Tianqi Wu and Xiaoping Zhu

Finite presentations of the mapping class groups of once-stabilized Heegaard splittings

Daiki Iguchi

On the structure of the top homology group of the Johnson kernel

Igor A Spiridonov

The Heisenberg double of involutory Hopf algebras and invariants of closed $3$–manifolds

Serban Matei Mihalache, Sakie Suzuki and Yuji Terashima

A closed ball compactification of a maximal component via cores of trees

Giuseppe Martone, Charles Ouyang and Andrea Tamburelli

An algorithmic discrete gradient field and the cohomology algebra of configuration spaces of two points on complete graphs

Emilio J González and Jesús González

Spectral diameter of Liouville domains

Pierre-Alexandre Mailhot

Classifying rational $G$–spectra for profinite $G$

David Barnes and Danny Sugrue

An explicit comparison between $2$–complicial sets and $\Theta_2$–spaces

Julia E Bergner, Viktoriya Ozornova and Martina Rovelli

On products of beta and gamma elements in the homotopy of the first Smith–Toda spectrum

Katsumi Shimomura and Mao-no-suke Shimomura

Phase transition for the existence of van Kampen $2$–complexes in random groups

Tsung-Hsuan Tsai

A qualitative description of the horoboundary of the Teichmüller metric

Aitor Azemar

Vector fields on noncompact manifolds

Tsuyoshi Kato, Daisuke Kishimoto and Mitsunobu Tsutaya

Smallest nonabelian quotients of surface braid groups

Cindy Tan

Lattices, injective metrics and the $K(\pi,1)$ conjecture

Thomas Haettel

The real-oriented cohomology of infinite stunted projective spaces

William Balderrama

Fourier transforms and integer homology cobordism

Mike Miller Eismeier

Profinite isomorphisms and fixed-point properties

Martin R Bridson

Slice genus bound in $DTS^2$ from $s$–invariant

Qiuyu Ren

Relatively geometric actions of Kähler groups on $\mathrm{CAT}(0)$ cube complexes

Corey Bregman, Daniel Groves and Kejia Zhu

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