We introduce four variance flavors of (co)cartesian fibrations of
–bicategories with
fibers, in the framework of scaled simplicial sets. Given a map
–bicategories, we
arrows and inner/outer triangles by means of lifting properties
against , leading to a
notion of
(co)cartesian fibrations as those maps with enough (co)cartesian lifts for arrows and
enough inner/outer lifts for triangles, together with a compatibility property with respect
to whiskerings in the outer case. By doing so, we also recover in particular the case of
–bicategories fibered
studied in previous work. We also prove that equivalences of such fibrations can be
tested fiberwise. As a motivating example, we show that the domain projection
is a prototypical example
of a
–outer cartesian
fibration, where
denotes the
of functors, lax natural transformations and modifications. We then define
–inner and
flavors of (co)cartesian fibrations of categories enriched in
–categories, and we
show that a fibration
of such enriched categories is a (co)cartesian
fibration if and only if the corresponding map
is a fibration of this type