A kind of motivic stable homotopy theory of algebras is developed. Explicit fibrant replacements
for the
of an algebra are constructed. As an application, unstable, Morita stable and stable
universal bivariant theories are recovered. These are shown to be embedded by means of
contravariant equivalences as full triangulated subcategories of compact generators of some
compactly generated triangulated categories. Another application is the introduction
and study of the symmetric monoidal compactly generated triangulated category of
It is established that the triangulated category
of Cortiñas
and Thom (J. Reine Angew. Math. 610 (2007), 71–123) can be identified with the
of algebras. It is proved that the triangulated category of
is a localisation of the triangulated category of
-bispectra. Also, explicit fibrant
-bispectra representing stable
algebraic Kasparov
-theory and
algebraic homotopy
are constructed.
bivariant algebraic $K$-theory, homotopy theory of
algebras, triangulated categories