be an affine Hecke algebra with a positive parameter function
We are interested in the topological K-theory of its
. We prove that
does not depend
on the parameter
solving a long-standing conjecture of Higson and Plymen. For this we use
representation-theoretic methods, in particular elliptic representations of Weyl groups
and Hecke algebras.
Thus, for the computation of these K-groups it suffices to work out the case
These algebras are considerably simpler than for
, just
crossed products of commutative algebras with finite Weyl groups. We explicitly determine
for all classical
root data
This will be useful for analyzing the K-theory of the reduced
-algebra of any
For the computations in the case
we study the more general situation of a finite group
acting on a
smooth manifold
We develop a method to calculate the K-theory of the crossed product
. In
contrast to the equivariant Chern character of Baum and Connes, our method can
also detect torsion elements in these K-groups.