We prove that the convergence of Lott’s delocalized eta invariant holds for all
self-adjoint first order elliptic differential operators with a sufficiently large spectral
gap at zero. Furthermore, to each delocalized cyclic cocycle, we define a higher
analogue of Lott’s delocalized eta invariant and prove its convergence when the
delocalized cyclic cocycle has at most exponential growth. As an application, for
each cyclic cocycle of at most exponential growth, we prove a formal higher
Atiyah–Patodi–Singer index theorem on manifolds with boundary, under the
condition that the operator on the boundary has a sufficiently large spectral gap at
Our second main result is to obtain an explicit formula of the delocalized Connes–Chern character
of all
secondary invariants for word hyperbolic groups. Equivalently, we give an explicit formula for the pairing
secondary invariants and delocalized cyclic cocycles of the group algebra. When the
-algebraic secondary
invariant is a
higher rho invariant of an invertible differential operator, we show this pairing is precisely
the higher analogue of Lott’s delocalized eta invariant alluded to above. Our work uses
Puschnigg’s smooth dense subalgebra for word hyperbolic groups in an essential way. We
emphasize that our construction of the delocalized Connes–Chern character is at the
level. This is of essential importance for applications to geometry and topology. As a
consequence, we compute the pairing between delocalized cyclic cocycles and
Atiyah–Patodi–Singer index classes for manifolds with boundary, when the
fundamental group of the given manifold is hyperbolic. In particular, this improves
the formal delocalized higher Atiyah–Patodi–Singer theorem from above and removes
the condition that the spectral gap of the operator on the boundary is sufficiently
higher eta invariants, higher rho invariants, cyclic
cohomology, higher index, higher secondary invariants,
Connes–Chern characters, higher index theorem for manifolds
with boundary