Vol. 10, No. 7, 2016

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Generalized Kuga–Satake theory and rigid local systems, II: rigid Hecke eigensheaves

Stefan Patrikis

Vol. 10 (2016), No. 7, 1477–1526

We use rigid Hecke eigensheaves, building on Yun’s work on the construction of motives with exceptional Galois groups, to produce the first robust examples of “generalized Kuga–Satake theory” outside the Tannakian category of motives generated by abelian varieties. To strengthen our description of the “motivic” nature of Kuga–Satake lifts, we digress to establish a result that should be of independent interest: for any quasiprojective variety over a (finitely generated) characteristic-zero field, the associated graded of the weight filtration on its intersection cohomology arises from a motivated motive in the sense of André, and in particular from a classical homological motive if one assumes the standard conjectures. This extends work of de Cataldo and Migliorini.

Galois representations, rigid local systems, Kuga–Satake construction, geometric Langlands
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 14C15
Secondary: 11F80, 14D24
Received: 6 June 2015
Revised: 6 January 2016
Accepted: 11 June 2016
Published: 27 September 2016
Stefan Patrikis
Department of Mathematics
University of Utah
155 S 1400 E
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
United States