Vol. 11, No. 6, 2017

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Editors' interests
ISSN 1944-7833 (online)
ISSN 1937-0652 (print)
Author index
To appear
Other MSP journals
The motivic Donaldson–Thomas invariants of ($-$2)-curves

Ben Davison and Sven Meinhardt

Classifying tilting complexes over preprojective algebras of Dynkin type

Takuma Aihara and Yuya Mizuno

Distinguished-root formulas for generalized Calabi–Yau hypersurfaces

Alan Adolphson and Steven Sperber

On defects of characters and decomposition numbers

Gunter Malle, Gabriel Navarro and Benjamin Sambale

Slicing the stars: counting algebraic numbers, integers, and units by degree and height

Robert Grizzard and Joseph Gunther

Greatest common divisors of iterates of polynomials

Liang-Chung Hsia and Thomas J. Tucker

The role of defect and splitting in finite generation of extensions of associated graded rings along a valuation

Steven Dale Cutkosky