Vol. 14, No. 8, 2020

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The Journal
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ISSN 1944-7833 (online)
ISSN 1937-0652 (print)
Author index
To appear
Other MSP journals
Toroidal orbifolds, destackification, and Kummer blowings up

Dan Abramovich, Michael Temkin and Jarosław Włodarczyk

Appendix: David Rydh

Auslander correspondence for triangulated categories

Norihiro Hanihara

Supersingular locus of Hilbert modular varieties, arithmetic level raising and Selmer groups

Yifeng Liu and Yichao Tian

Burch ideals and Burch rings

Hailong Dao, Toshinori Kobayashi and Ryo Takahashi

Sous-groupe de Brauer invariant et obstruction de descente itérée

Yang Cao

Most words are geometrically almost uniform

Michael Jeffrey Larsen

On a conjecture of Yui and Zagier

Yingkun Li and Tonghai Yang

On iterated product sets with shifts, II

Brandon Hanson, Oliver Roche-Newton and Dmitrii Zhelezov

The dimension growth conjecture, polynomial in the degree and without logarithmic factors

Wouter Castryck, Raf Cluckers, Philip Dittmann and Kien Huu Nguyen