Vol. 15, No. 1, 2021

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ISSN 1944-7833 (online)
ISSN 1937-0652 (print)
Author index
To appear
Other MSP journals
The Laplace transform of the second moment in the Gauss circle problem

Thomas A. Hulse, Chan Ieong Kuan, David Lowry-Duda and Alexander Walker

Friezes satisfying higher $\mathrm{SL}_k$-determinants

Karin Baur, Eleonore Faber, Sira Gratz, Khrystyna Serhiyenko and Gordana Todorov

Appendix: Michael Cuntz and Pierre-Guy Plamondon

An analogue of the Grothendieck–Springer resolution for symmetric spaces

Spencer Leslie

The cancellation of projective modules of rank 2 with a trivial determinant

Tariq Syed

$p$-adic estimates of exponential sums on curves

Joe Kramer-Miller

Epsilon dichotomy for linear models

Hang Xue

An algebraic framework for noncommutative bundles with homogeneous fibres

Tomasz Brzeziński and Wojciech Szymański

Torsion orders of Fano hypersurfaces

Stefan Schreieder

Harmonic theta series and the Kodaira dimension of $\mathcal{A}_6$

Moritz Dittmann, Riccardo Salvati Manni and Nils R. Scheithauer

Greatest common divisors of integral points of numerically equivalent divisors

Julie Tzu-Yueh Wang and Yu Yasufuku

Corrigendum to the article On the supersingular locus of the GU(2,2) Shimura variety

Benjamin Howard and Georgios Pappas