We introduce a class of functions near zero on the logarithmic cover
of the complex plane that have convergent expansions into generalized
power series. The construction covers cases where noninteger powers of
and also terms
can appear. We show that, under natural assumptions, some important theorems
from complex analysis carry over to this class of functions. In particular, it is possible
to define a field of functions that generalize meromorphic functions, and one can
formulate an analytic Fredholm theorem in this class. We show that this modified
analytic Fredholm theorem can be applied in spectral theory to prove convergent
expansions of the resolvent for Bessel type operators and Laplace–Beltrami operators
for manifolds that are Euclidean at infinity. These results are important in
scattering theory, as they are the key step in establishing analyticity of the
scattering matrix and the existence of generalized eigenfunctions at points in the
Hahn series, holomorphic Fredholm theorem, scattering