Vol. 8, No. 1, 2015

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ISSN 1948-206X (online)
ISSN 2157-5045 (print)
Author index
To appear
Other MSP journals
Hölder continuity and bounds for fundamental solutions to nondivergence form parabolic equations

Seiichiro Kusuoka

Eigenvalue distribution of optimal transportation

Bo’az B. Klartag and Alexander V. Kolesnikov

Nonlocal self-improving properties

Tuomo Kuusi, Giuseppe Mingione and Yannick Sire

Symbol calculus for operators of layer potential type on Lipschitz surfaces with VMO normals, and related pseudodifferential operator calculus

Steve Hofmann, Marius Mitrea and Michael E. Taylor

Criteria for Hankel operators to be sign-definite

Dimitri R. Yafaev

Nodal sets and growth exponents of Laplace eigenfunctions on surfaces

Guillaume Roy-Fortin