We consider the free boundary problem arising from an energy functional which is
the sum of a Dirichlet energy and a nonlinear function of either the classical or the
fractional perimeter.
The main difference with the existing literature is that the total energy is here a
nonlinear superposition of the either local or nonlocal surface tension effect with the
elastic energy.
In sharp contrast with the linear case, the problem considered in this paper is
unstable; namely a minimizer in a given domain is not necessarily a minimizer in a
smaller domain.
We provide an explicit example for this instability. We also give a free boundary
condition, which emphasizes the role played by the domain in the geometry of the
free boundary. In addition, we provide density estimates for the free boundary and
regularity results for the minimal solution.
As far as we know, this is the first case in which a nonlinear function of the
perimeter is studied in this type of problem. Also, the results obtained in this
nonlinear setting are new even in the case of the local perimeter, and indeed the
instability feature is not a consequence of the possible nonlocality of the problem, but
it is due to the nonlinear character of the energy functional.
Maxwell Institute for Mathematical
Sciences and School of Mathematics
University of Edinburgh
James Clerk Maxwell Building
Peter Guthrie Tait Road
Edinburgh EH9 3FD
United Kingdom