Vol. 11, No. 4, 2018

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ISSN 1948-206X (online)
ISSN 2157-5045 (print)
Author index
To appear
Other MSP journals
$C^1$ regularity of orthotropic $p$-harmonic functions in the plane

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Applications of small-scale quantum ergodicity in nodal sets

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On rank-2 Toda systems with arbitrary singularities: local mass and new estimates

Chang-Shou Lin, Jun-cheng Wei, Wen Yang and Lei Zhang

Beyond the BKM criterion for the 2D resistive magnetohydrodynamic equations

Léo Agélas

On a bilinear Strichartz estimate on irrational tori

Chenjie Fan, Gigliola Staffilani, Hong Wang and Bobby Wilson

Sharp global estimates for local and nonlocal porous medium-type equations in bounded domains

Matteo Bonforte, Alessio Figalli and Juan Luis Vázquez

Blow-up of a critical Sobolev norm for energy-subcritical and energy-supercritical wave equations

Thomas Duyckaerts and Jianwei Yang

Global weak solutions for generalized SQG in bounded domains

Huy Quang Nguyen

Scale-free unique continuation principle for spectral projectors, eigenvalue-lifting and Wegner estimates for random Schrödinger operators

Ivica Nakić, Matthias Täufer, Martin Tautenhahn and Ivan Veselić