Vol. 13, No. 2, 2020

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ISSN 1948-206X (online)
ISSN 2157-5045 (print)
Author index
To appear
Other MSP journals
Regularity estimates for elliptic nonlocal operators

Bartłomiej Dyda and Moritz Kassmann

On solvability and ill-posedness of the compressible Euler system subject to stochastic forces

Dominic Breit, Eduard Feireisl and Martina Hofmanová

Variable coefficient Wolff-type inequalities and sharp local smoothing estimates for wave equations on manifolds

David Beltran, Jonathan Hickman and Christopher D. Sogge

On the Hölder continuous subsolution problem for the complex Monge–Ampère equation, II

Ngoc Cuong Nguyen

The Calderón problem for the fractional Schrödinger equation

Tuhin Ghosh, Mikko Salo and Gunther Uhlmann

Sharp Strichartz inequalities for fractional and higher-order Schrödinger equations

Gianmarco Brocchi, Diogo Oliveira e Silva and René Quilodrán

A bootstrapping approach to jump inequalities and their applications

Mariusz Mirek, Elias M. Stein and Pavel Zorin-Kranich

On the trace operator for functions of bounded $\mathbb{A}$-variation

Dominic Breit, Lars Diening and Franz Gmeineder

Optimal constants for a nonlocal approximation of Sobolev norms and total variation

Clara Antonucci, Massimo Gobbino, Matteo Migliorini and Nicola Picenni