We study the structure of
associated with compactly aligned product systems over group embeddable right
Towards this end we employ controlled maps and a controlled
elimination method that associates the original cores to those of
the controlling pair, and we combine these with applications of the
theory for cosystems of nonselfadjoint operator algebras recently produced. We
derive several applications of these methods that generalize results on single
First we show that if the controlling group is exact then the couniversal
of the product system coincides with the quotient of the Fock
by the ideal of strong covariance relations. We show that if the
controlling group is amenable then the product system is amenable.
In particular if the controlling group is abelian then the couniversal
-algebra is the
of the tensor algebra.
Secondly we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the Fock
to be nuclear and exact. When the controlling group is amenable we completely
characterize nuclearity and exactness of any equivariant injective Nica-covariant
representation of the product system.
Thirdly we consider controlled maps that enjoy a saturation property. In this case
we induce a compactly aligned product system over the controlling pair that shares
the same Fock representation, and preserves injectivity. By using couniversality, we
show that they share the same reduced covariance algebras. If in addition the
controlling pair is a total order then the fixed point algebra of the controlling group
induces a super product system that has the same reduced covariance algebra and is
moreover reversible.