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Editorial board
Editors' interests
ISSN 1948-206X (online)
ISSN 2157-5045 (print)
Author index
To appear
Other MSP journals
Overdetermined boundary problems with nonconstant Dirichlet and Neumann data

Miguel Domínguez-Vázquez, Alberto Enciso and Daniel Peralta-Salas

Monge–Ampère gravitation as a $\Gamma$-limit of good rate functions

Luigi Ambrosio, Aymeric Baradat and Yann Brenier

IDA and Hankel operators on Fock spaces

Zhangjian Hu and Jani A. Virtanen

Global stability of spacetimes with supersymmetric compactifications

Lars Andersson, Pieter Blue, Zoe Wyatt and Shing-Tung Yau

Stability of traveling waves for the Burgers–Hilbert equation

Ángel Castro, Diego Córdoba and Fan Zheng

Defining the spectral position of a Neumann domain

Ram Band, Graham Cox and Sebastian K. Egger

A uniqueness result for the two-vortex traveling wave in the nonlinear Schrödinger equation

David Chiron and Eliot Pacherie

Classification of convex ancient free-boundary curve-shortening flows in the disc

Theodora Bourni and Mat Langford

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