Motivated by the strong cosmic censorship conjecture in the presence of matter, we
study the Einstein equations coupled with a charged/massive scalar field with
spherically symmetric characteristic data relaxing to a Reissner–Nordström event
horizon. Contrary to the vacuum case, the relaxation rate is conjectured to be
(nonintegrable), opening the possibility that the matter fields and the metric
blow up in amplitude at the Cauchy horizon, not just in energy. We show
that whether this blow-up in amplitude occurs or not depends on a novel
oscillationcondition on the event horizon which determines whether or not a resonance is
excited dynamically:
If the oscillation condition is satisfied, then the resonance is not excited
and we show boundedness and continuous extendibility of the matter fields
and the metric across the Cauchy horizon.
If the oscillation condition is violated, then by the
combined effect of slowdecay and the resonance being excited, we show that the massive uncharged
scalar field blows up in amplitude.
In a companion paper, we will show that in that case a novel
nullcontraction singularity forms at the Cauchy horizon, across which the
metric is not continuously extendible in the usual sense.
Heuristic arguments in the physics literature indicate that the oscillation condition should be
satisfied generically on the event horizon. If these heuristics are true, then
our result falsifies the-formulationof strong cosmic censorship by means of oscillation.
strong cosmic censorship, black hole, Einstein equations,
scattering, charged scalar field