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A fast point charge interacting with the screened Vlasov–Poisson system

Richard M. Höfer and Raphael Winter

Vol. 17 (2024), No. 7, 2451–2507

We consider the long-time behavior of a fast, charged particle interacting with an initially spatially homogeneous background plasma. The background is modeled by the screened Vlasov–Poisson equations, whereas the interaction potential of the point charge is assumed to be smooth. We rigorously prove the validity of the stopping power theory in physics, which predicts a decrease of the velocity V (t) of the point charge given by V ˙ |V |3V, a formula that goes back to Bohr (1915). Our result holds for all initial velocities larger than a threshold value that is larger than the velocity of all background particles and remains valid until the particle slows down to the threshold velocity or the time is exponentially long compared to the velocity of the point charge.

The long-time behavior of this coupled system is related to the question of Landau damping, which has remained open in this setting so far. Contrary to other results in nonlinear Landau damping, the long-time behavior of the system is driven by the nontrivial electric field of the plasma, and the damping only occurs in regions that the point charge has already passed.

Vlasov equation, Vlasov–Poisson, stopping power
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 35B40, 35Q83
Received: 29 April 2022
Revised: 5 May 2023
Accepted: 13 June 2023
Published: 21 August 2024
Richard M. Höfer
Faculty of Mathematics
University of Regensburg
Raphael Winter
University of Vienna

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