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Beurling–Carleson sets, inner functions and a semilinear equation

Oleg Ivrii and Artur Nicolau

Vol. 17 (2024), No. 7, 2585–2618

Beurling–Carleson sets have appeared in a number of areas of complex analysis such as boundary zero sets of analytic functions, inner functions with derivative in the Nevanlinna class, cyclicity in weighted Bergman spaces, Fuchsian groups of Widom-type and the corona problem in quotient Banach algebras. After surveying these developments, we give a general definition of Beurling–Carleson sets and discuss some of their basic properties. We show that the Roberts decomposition characterizes measures that do not charge Beurling–Carleson sets.

For a positive singular measure μ on the unit circle, let Sμ denote the singular inner function with singular measure μ. In the second part of the paper, we use a corona-type decomposition to relate a number of properties of singular measures on the unit circle, such as membership of Sμ in the Nevanlinna class 𝒩, area conditions on level sets of Sμ and wepability. It was known that each of these properties holds for measures concentrated on Beurling–Carleson sets. We show that each of these properties implies that μ lives on a countable union of Beurling–Carleson sets. We also describe partial relations involving the membership of Sμ in the Hardy space Hp, membership of Sμ in the Besov space Bp and (1p)-Beurling–Carleson sets and give a number of examples which show that our results are optimal.

Finally, we show that measures that live on countable unions of α-Beurling–Carleson sets are almost in bijection with nearly maximal solutions of Δu = up χu>0 when p > 3 and α = (p 3)(p 1).

Beurling–Carleson set, inner function, Roberts decomposition, nearly maximal solution
Mathematical Subject Classification
Primary: 30J05, 35J91
Secondary: 30C35, 35J25, 35R06
Received: 3 October 2022
Revised: 9 August 2023
Accepted: 3 October 2023
Published: 21 August 2024
Oleg Ivrii
Wladimir Schreiber Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv
Artur Nicolau
Department of Mathematics
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

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