Bimonotone subdivisions in two dimensions are subdivisions all of whose sides are
vertical or have nonnegative slope. They correspond to statistical estimates of probability
distributions of strongly positively dependent random variables. The number of bimonotone
subdivisions compared to the total number of subdivisions of a point configuration
provides insight into how often the random variables are positively dependent. We
give recursions as well as formulas for the numbers of bimonotone and total subdivisions
configurations in the plane. Furthermore, we connect the former to the large Schröder
numbers. We also show that the numbers of bimonotone and total subdivisions of a
grid are
asymptotically equal. We then provide algorithms for counting bimonotone subdivisions
for any
grid. Finally, we prove that all bimonotone triangulations of an
grid are connected by flips. This gives rise to an algorithm for
counting the number of bimonotone (and total) triangulations of an