This paper describes the development and analysis of finite-volume methods for the
Landau–Lifshitz Navier–Stokes (LLNS) equations and related stochastic partial
differential equations in fluid dynamics. The LLNS equations incorporate
thermal fluctuations into macroscopic hydrodynamics by the addition of
white-noise fluxes whose magnitudes are set by a fluctuation-dissipation
relation. Originally derived for equilibrium fluctuations, the LLNS equations
have also been shown to be accurate for nonequilibrium systems. Previous
studies of numerical methods for the LLNS equations focused primarily on
measuring variances and correlations computed at equilibrium and for selected
nonequilibrium flows. In this paper, we introduce a more systematic approach
based on studying discrete equilibrium structure factors for a broad class of
explicit linear finite-volume schemes. This new approach provides a better
characterization of the accuracy of a spatiotemporal discretization as a function of
wavenumber and frequency, allowing us to distinguish between behavior at long
wavelengths, where accuracy is a prime concern, and short wavelengths, where
stability concerns are of greater importance. We use this analysis to develop a
specialized third-order Runge–Kutta scheme that minimizes the temporal
integration error in the discrete structure factor at long wavelengths for the
one-dimensional linearized LLNS equations. Together with a novel method for
discretizing the stochastic stress tensor in dimension larger than one, our improved
temporal integrator yields a scheme for the three-dimensional equations
that satisfies a discrete fluctuation-dissipation balance for small time steps
and is also sufficiently accurate even for time steps close to the stability