Implicit sampling is a weighted sampling method that is used in data assimilation to
sequentially update state estimates of a stochastic model based on noisy and
incomplete data. Here we apply implicit sampling to sample the posterior probability
density of parameter estimation problems. The posterior probability combines prior
information about the parameter with information from a numerical model, e.g., a
partial differential equation (PDE), and noisy data. The result of our computations
are parameters that lead to simulations that are compatible with the data.
We demonstrate the usefulness of our implicit sampling algorithm with an
example from subsurface flow. For an efficient implementation, we make
use of multiple grids, BFGS optimization coupled to adjoint equations, and
Karhunen–Loève expansions for dimensional reduction. Several difficulties of
Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, e.g., estimation of burn-in times or
correlations among the samples, are avoided because the implicit samples are
importance sampling, implicit sampling, Markov chain Monte