We introduce a second-order, central-upwind finite volume method for the
discretization of nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws on the two-dimensional
sphere. The semidiscrete version of the proposed method is based on a technique of
local propagation speeds, and the method is free of any Riemann solver. The main
advantages of our scheme are its high resolution of discontinuous solutions, its low
numerical dissipation, and its simplicity of implementation. We do not use any
splitting approach, which is often applied to upwind schemes in order to simplify the
resolution of Riemann problems. The semidiscrete form of our scheme is strongly
built upon the analytical properties of nonlinear conservation laws and the geometry
of the sphere. The curved geometry is treated here in an analytical way so that the
semidiscrete form of the proposed scheme is consistent with a geometric
compatibility property. Furthermore, the time evolution is carried out by
using a total-variation diminishing Runge–Kutta method. A rich family of
(discontinuous) stationary solutions is available for the conservation laws under
consideration when the flux is nonlinear and foliated (in a suitable sense). We
present a series of numerical tests, encompassing various nontrivial steady
state solutions and therefore providing a good validation of the accuracy
and efficiency of the proposed central-upwind finite volume scheme. Our
numerical tests confirm that the scheme is stable and succeeds in accurately
capturing discontinuous steady state solutions to conservation laws posed on the
Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions
& Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6)
4 Place Jussieu
75258 Paris