Volume 6, issue 1 (2002)

Recent Issues

Volume 28
Issue 7, 3001–3510
Issue 6, 2483–2999
Issue 5, 1995–2482
Issue 4, 1501–1993
Issue 3, 1005–1499
Issue 2, 497–1003
Issue 1, 1–496

Volume 27, 9 issues

Volume 26, 8 issues

Volume 25, 7 issues

Volume 24, 7 issues

Volume 23, 7 issues

Volume 22, 7 issues

Volume 21, 6 issues

Volume 20, 6 issues

Volume 19, 6 issues

Volume 18, 5 issues

Volume 17, 5 issues

Volume 16, 4 issues

Volume 15, 4 issues

Volume 14, 5 issues

Volume 13, 5 issues

Volume 12, 5 issues

Volume 11, 4 issues

Volume 10, 4 issues

Volume 9, 4 issues

Volume 8, 3 issues

Volume 7, 2 issues

Volume 6, 2 issues

Volume 5, 2 issues

Volume 4, 1 issue

Volume 3, 1 issue

Volume 2, 1 issue

Volume 1, 1 issue

The Journal
About the Journal
Editorial Board
Editorial Procedure
Submission Guidelines
Submission Page
Policies for Authors
Ethics Statement
ISSN 1364-0380 (online)
ISSN 1465-3060 (print)
Author Index
To Appear
Other MSP Journals
Algorithmic detection and description of hyperbolic structures on closed 3–manifolds with solvable word problem

Jason Fox Manning

Torsion, TQFT, and Seiberg–Witten invariants of $3$–manifolds

Thomas E Mark

Surface bundles over surfaces of small genus

Jim Bryan and Ron Donagi

Bounded cohomology of subgroups of mapping class groups

Mladen Bestvina and Koji Fujiwara

Convex cocompact subgroups of mapping class groups

Benson Farb and Lee Mosher

Laminar branched surfaces in $3$–manifolds

Tao Li

Homotopy type of symplectomorphism groups of $S^2{\times}S^2$

Silvia Anjos

Deformation and rigidity of simplicial group actions on trees

Max Forester

Seiberg–Witten invariants and surface singularities

András Némethi and Liviu I Nicolaescu

New upper bounds on sphere packings II

Henry Cohn

Burnside obstructions to the Montesinos–Nakanishi $3$–move conjecture

Mieczysław K Dabkowski and Józef H Przytycki

Characterizing the Delaunay decompositions of compact hyperbolic surfaces

Gregory Leibon

4–manifolds as covers of the 4–sphere branched over non-singular surfaces

Massimiliano Iori and Riccardo Piergallini

Seifert forms and concordance

Charles Livingston

On the cut number of a $3$–manifold

Shelly L Harvey

Cappell–Shaneson's $4$–dimensional $s$–cobordism

Selman Akbulut

Publication of this issue is now complete.