Volume 6, issue 1 (2002)

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Bounded cohomology of subgroups of mapping class groups

Mladen Bestvina and Koji Fujiwara

Geometry & Topology 6 (2002) 69–89

arXiv: math.GT/0012115


We show that every subgroup of the mapping class group MCG(S) of a compact surface S is either virtually abelian or it has infinite dimensional second bounded cohomology. As an application, we give another proof of the Farb–Kaimanovich–Masur rigidity theorem that states that MCG(S) does not contain a higher rank lattice as a subgroup.

Bounded cohomology, mapping class groups, hyperbolic groups
Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 57M07, 57N05
Secondary: 57M99
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Received: 15 December 2000
Revised: 28 February 2002
Accepted: 28 February 2002
Published: 1 March 2002
Proposed: Joan Birman
Seconded: Dieter Kotschick, Steven Ferry
Mladen Bestvina
Mathematics Department
University of Utah
155 South 1400 East
JWB 233
Salt Lake City
Utah 84112
Koji Fujiwara
Mathematics Institute
Tohoku University