Volume 14, issue 2 (2010)

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The $h$–principle for broken Lefschetz fibrations

Jonathan Williams

Geometry & Topology 14 (2010) 1015–1061

It is known that an arbitrary smooth, oriented 4–manifold admits the structure of what is called a broken Lefschetz fibration. Given a broken Lefschetz fibration, there are certain modifications, realized as homotopies of the fibration map, that enable one to construct infinitely many distinct fibrations of the same manifold. The aim of this paper is to prove that these modifications are sufficient to obtain every broken Lefschetz fibration in a given homotopy class of smooth maps. One notable application is that adding an additional “projection" move generates all broken Lefschetz fibrations, regardless of homotopy class. The paper ends with further applications and open problems.

broken, Lefschetz fibration, $4$–manifold, stable map
Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 57M50, 57N13
Secondary: 57R70, 57R17
Received: 1 July 2009
Accepted: 23 February 2010
Published: 31 March 2010
Proposed: Ron Fintushel
Seconded: Yasha Eliashberg, Simon Donaldson
Jonathan Williams
Department of Mathematics
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 78712