Volume 16, issue 3 (2012)

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Prym varieties of spectral covers

Tamás Hausel and Christian Pauly

Geometry & Topology 16 (2012) 1609–1638

Given a possibly reducible and non-reduced spectral cover π: X C over a smooth projective complex curve C we determine the group of connected components of the Prym variety Prym(XC). As an immediate application we show that the finite group of n–torsion points of the Jacobian of C acts trivially on the cohomology of the twisted SLn–Higgs moduli space up to the degree which is predicted by topological mirror symmetry. In particular this yields a new proof of a result of Harder–Narasimhan, showing that this finite group acts trivially on the cohomology of the twisted SLn stable bundle moduli space.

Prym varieties, Hitchin fibration, Higgs bundles, vector bundles on curves
Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 14K30
Secondary: 14H60, 14H40
Received: 29 June 2011
Accepted: 8 June 2012
Published: 1 August 2012
Proposed: Frances Kirwan
Seconded: Jim Bryan, Richard Thomas
Tamás Hausel
Section de Mathématiques
École Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne
Section 8
CH-1015 Lausanne
Christian Pauly
Laboratoire de Mathématiques J.A. Dieudonné
Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis
06108 Nice Cedex 02