We introduce explicit holonomy perturbations of the Chern–Simons functional on a
containing a pair of unknotted arcs. These perturbations give us a
concrete local method for making the moduli spaces of flat singular
connections relevant to Kronheimer and Mrowka’s singular instanton knot homology
nondegenerate. The mechanism for this study is a (Lagrangian) intersection diagram
which arises, through restriction of representations, from a tangle decomposition of a
knot. When one of the tangles is trivial, our perturbations allow us to study isolated
intersections of two Lagrangians to produce minimal generating sets for singular
instanton knot homology. The (symplectic) manifold where this intersection
occurs corresponds to the traceless character variety of the four-punctured
which we identify with the familiar pillowcase. We investigate the image in this pillowcase
of the traceless representations of tangles obtained by removing a trivial tangle from
knots and torus knots. Using this, we compute the singular instanton homology of a
variety of torus knots. In many cases, our computations allow us to understand
nontrivial differentials in the spectral sequence from Khovanov homology to singular
instanton homology.
pillowcase, holonomy perturbation, instanton, Floer
homology, character variety, two bridge knot, torus knot