Volume 18, issue 2 (2014)

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Orbifold points on Teichmüller curves and Jacobians with complex multiplication

Ronen E Mukamel

Geometry & Topology 18 (2014) 779–829

For each integer D 5 with D 0 or 1 mod 4, the Weierstrass curve WD is an algebraic curve and a finite-volume hyperbolic orbifold which admits an algebraic and isometric immersion into the moduli space of genus two Riemann surfaces. The Weierstrass curves are the main examples of Teichmüller curves in genus two. The primary goal of this paper is to determine the number and type of orbifold points on each component of WD. Our enumeration of the orbifold points, together with Bainbridge [Geom. Topol. 11 (2007) 1887–2073] and McMullen [Math. Ann. 333 (2005) 87–130], completes the determination of the homeomorphism type of WD and gives a formula for the genus of its components. We use our formula to give bounds on the genus of WD and determine the Weierstrass curves of genus zero. We will also give several explicit descriptions of each surface labeled by an orbifold point on WD.

Teichmueller curves, Jacobians, Hilbert modular surfaces
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 32G15
Secondary: 14K22
Received: 16 February 2012
Revised: 7 March 2013
Accepted: 10 June 2013
Published: 20 March 2014
Proposed: Benson Farb
Seconded: Ronald Stern, Danny Calegari
Ronen E Mukamel
Department of Mathematics
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL 60637