We consider quasifuchsian manifolds with “particles”, ie cone singularities of fixed angle
less than
going from one connected component of the boundary at infinity to the other. Each
connected component of the boundary at infinity is then endowed with a
conformal structure marked by the endpoints of the particles. We prove that this
defines a homeomorphism between the space of quasifuchsian metrics with
(of fixed angle) and the product of two copies of the Teichmüller space of a surface
marked points. This extends the Bers double uniformization theorem to quasifuchsian
manifolds with “particles”.
Quasifuchsian manifolds with particles also have a convex core. Its boundary has
a hyperbolic induced metric, with cone singularities at the intersection with the
particles, and is pleated along a measured geodesic lamination. We prove that any
two hyperbolic metrics with cone singularities (of prescribed angle) can be obtained,
and also that any two measured bending laminations, satisfying some obviously
necessary conditions, can be obtained, as in Bonahon and Otal [Ann. of Math. 160
(2004) 1013–1055] in the nonsingular case.