Volume 18, issue 5 (2014)

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Computing $\widehat{\mathit{HF}}$ by factoring mapping classes

Robert Lipshitz, Peter S Ozsváth and Dylan P Thurston

Geometry & Topology 18 (2014) 2547–2681
1 J E Andersen, A J Bene, R C Penner, Groupoid extensions of mapping class representations for bordered surfaces, Topology Appl. 156 (2009) 2713 MR2556030
2 A J Bene, A chord diagrammatic presentation of the mapping class group of a once bordered surface, Geom. Dedicata 144 (2010) 171 MR2580425
3 B Keller, A brief introduction to $A$–infinity algebras
4 R Lipshitz, A technology demonstration of a package to compute Heegaard Floer invariants using bordered Floer homology
5 R Lipshitz, P S Ozsváth, D P Thurston, Bimodules in bordered Heegaard Floer homology, arXiv:1003.0598v3
6 R Lipshitz, P S Ozsváth, D P Thurston, Bordered Heegaard Floer homology: Invariance and pairing, arXiv:0810.0687v4
7 R Lipshitz, P S Ozsváth, D P Thurston, Computing cobordism maps with bordered Floer homology, in preparation
8 R Lipshitz, P S Ozsváth, D P Thurston, Heegaard Floer homology as morphism spaces, Quantum Topol. 2 (2011) 381 MR2844535
9 P S Ozsváth, A I Stipsicz, Z Szabó, Combinatorial Heegaard Floer homology and nice Heegaard diagrams, arXiv:0912.0830
10 P S Ozsváth, Z Szabó, Holomorphic disks and genus bounds, Geom. Topol. 8 (2004) 311 MR2023281
11 P S Ozsváth, Z Szabó, Holomorphic disks and topological invariants for closed three-manifolds, Ann. of Math. 159 (2004) 1027 MR2113019
12 J A Rasmussen, Floer homology and knot complements, PhD thesis, Harvard University (2003)
13 S Sarkar, J Wang, An algorithm for computing some Heegaard Floer homologies, Ann. of Math. 171 (2010) 1213 MR2630063
14 W A Stein, et al, Sage mathematics software (version $5.9$)
15 R Zarev, Bordered Floer homology for sutured manifolds, arXiv:0908.1106