We initiate a study of positive multisections of Lefschetz fibrations via positive
factorizations in framed mapping class groups of surfaces. Using our methods, one
can effectively capture various interesting symplectic surfaces in symplectic
as multisections, such as Seiberg–Witten basic classes and exceptional classes, or
branched loci of compact Stein surfaces as branched coverings of the
Various problems regarding the topology of symplectic
such as the smooth classification of symplectic Calabi–Yau
can be translated to combinatorial problems in this manner. After producing special
monodromy factorizations of Lefschetz pencils on symplectic Calabi–Yau homotopy
Enriques surfaces, and introducing monodromy substitutions tailored for generating
multisections, we obtain several novel applications, allowing us to construct: new
counterexamples to Stipsicz’s conjecture on fiber sum indecomposable Lefschetz fibrations,
nonisomorphic Lefschetz pencils of the same genera on the same new symplectic
the very first examples of exotic Lefschetz
pencils, and new exotic embeddings of
Department of Mathematics and
University of Massachusetts
Lederle Graduate Research Tower
710 North Pleasant Street
Amherst, MA 01003-9305
United States