Volume 22, issue 4 (2018)

Recent Issues

Volume 29
Issue 2, 549–862
Issue 1, 1–548

Volume 28, 9 issues

Volume 27, 9 issues

Volume 26, 8 issues

Volume 25, 7 issues

Volume 24, 7 issues

Volume 23, 7 issues

Volume 22, 7 issues

Volume 21, 6 issues

Volume 20, 6 issues

Volume 19, 6 issues

Volume 18, 5 issues

Volume 17, 5 issues

Volume 16, 4 issues

Volume 15, 4 issues

Volume 14, 5 issues

Volume 13, 5 issues

Volume 12, 5 issues

Volume 11, 4 issues

Volume 10, 4 issues

Volume 9, 4 issues

Volume 8, 3 issues

Volume 7, 2 issues

Volume 6, 2 issues

Volume 5, 2 issues

Volume 4, 1 issue

Volume 3, 1 issue

Volume 2, 1 issue

Volume 1, 1 issue

The Journal
About the Journal
Editorial Board
Editorial Procedure
Submission Guidelines
Submission Page
Policies for Authors
Ethics Statement
ISSN 1364-0380 (online)
ISSN 1465-3060 (print)
Author Index
To Appear
Other MSP Journals
From operator categories to higher operads

Clark Barwick

Quantitative bi-Lipschitz embeddings of bounded-curvature manifolds and orbifolds

Sylvester Eriksson-Bique

Unfolded Seiberg–Witten Floer spectra, I: Definition and invariance

Tirasan Khandhawit, Jianfeng Lin and Hirofumi Sasahira

A family of compact complex and symplectic Calabi–Yau manifolds that are non-Kähler

Lizhen Qin and Botong Wang

Rotation intervals and entropy on attracting annular continua

Alejandro Passeggi, Rafael Potrie and Martín Sambarino

Primes and fields in stable motivic homotopy theory

Jeremiah Heller and Kyle M Ormsby

Surgery for partially hyperbolic dynamical systems, I: Blow-ups of invariant submanifolds

Andrey Gogolev

Eigenvalues of curvature, Lyapunov exponents and Harder–Narasimhan filtrations

Fei Yu

Lower bounds for Lyapunov exponents of flat bundles on curves

Alex Eskin, Maxim Kontsevich, Martin Möller and Anton Zorich

Hyperbolic jigsaws and families of pseudomodular groups, I

Beicheng Lou, Ser Peow Tan and Anh Duc Vo

Subflexible symplectic manifolds

Emmy Murphy and Kyler Siegel

Normalized entropy versus volume for pseudo-Anosovs

Sadayoshi Kojima and Greg McShane

Towers of regular self-covers and linear endomorphisms of tori

Wouter van Limbeek

Classification and arithmeticity of toroidal compactifications with $3\bar{c}_2 = \bar{c}_1^{\mskip2mu 2} = 3$

Luca F Di Cerbo and Matthew Stover